All areas of engineering education research and practice are invited, more specific information on the conference will be posted as it becomes available. This conference offers a unique venue for academics and practitioners to discuss recent trends in engineering education and education research. The conference includes workshops, plenary sessions and technical sessions.
The CEEA2017 Conference theme is “Innovation and Diversity in Engineering Education”. Innovation in Engineering Education can take on a number of diverse forms, including the incorporation of multidisciplinary perspectives, the incorporation of new technologies in the teaching of engineering, and finding new ways to form, deliver and assess learning experiences that reflect a diverse set of required outcomes. However, the conference will also capitalize on the dual meaning of “innovation in engineering education”, in that the conference will give members an opportunity to present research on and engage in discussion about how we teach innovation so as to build on work presented at the 2016 conference. CEEA2017 at the University of Toronto will celebrate our diverse approaches to innovation, with the common goal of improving Engineering Education in Canada and beyond.
Diversity is also relevant to the evolution of engineering in Canada and beyond, and is well reflected in both the University and City of Toronto. The conference will provide an important opportunity to encourage a focus on how to engage and educate a diverse population of engineering students, taking into account the many dimensions of diversity that exist. Further, the diversity dimension within our theme would also allow us to celebrate the innovative and diverse approaches to teaching engineering that emerge from the various regional and academic communities across Canada.
Our hope is that merging the dimensions of innovation and diversity will create a nexus that brings together what and how we teach, with who we teach and the engineering community that we are seeking to create. Thus the focus of the 2017 conference will be forward looking, so as to help shape the evolution of engineering education in Canada.
Follow up to the minute information regarding the CEEA2017 conference on the University of Toronto CEEA2017 local website: CEEA2017 local conference and Toronto information
** Please note that all memberships must be paid in full to attain entry into the conference. **
Workshop registration only option – please email [email protected] directly.
New to CEEA this year are the Engineering Education Institutes – two parallel full day seminars on pedagogy and engineering education research that are being offered on Saturday, June 3, 2017 at the University of Toronto. Registration for this event is not open yet and will run separately – more details to follow. The cost is $200 plus taxes for the full day, including two snacks and lunch.
CEEA is pleased to introduce a one-day institute offering parallel workshops on teaching engineering and developing engineering education research. The CEEA Institute for Engineering Teaching and Educational Research (IETER) will run on Saturday June 3 immediately preceding the annual summer conference. The workshops will be in the same location as the CEEA 2017 conference. These workshops will include a significant number of active sessions to support participants’ interest, and include opportunities for networking and sharing.
The workshops will run from 9:00 to 4:30 with breaks and lunch. They will run concurrently – so pick one!:
Registration is closed
Regular Rates
Professional Rate: $625.00
Student Rate: $225.00
Early Bird Rates
Professional Rate: $525.00
Student Rate: $200.00
Additional Options
Workshop E.3
Cost: $0.00
Engineering Leadership and Innovation: Engineering Education Student Meet and Greet – Jillian Seniuk Cicek, Patricia Sheridan, Liz Kuley
CEEA membership has been growing steadily since the first CEEA conference in 2010, and as it has grown, an increasing number of students have committed to engineering education, both as an area of research and as a profession. The primary goal of this workshop is to provide students attending CEEA2017 the opportunity to meet and network with other engineering education students. Participants will engage in a meet and greet activity, followed by round table discussions of successes, challenges, and opportunities that they’ve met in their education and/or in their engineering education research. This workshop is designed to connect with, and build our network of CEEA students, aligning with CEEA’s mission to “enhance the competence and relevance of graduates from Canadian Engineering schools through continuous improvement in engineering education and design education,” and the goal of “engaging students and student groups broadly for input and feedback.” If you are a CEEA student member, please plan to join this workshop! We look forward to meeting you!
Banquet – Guest Ticket
Cost: $90.00
This is for guest tickets only – all conference attendees should respond under Conference Attendee Banquet.
Sunday Social – Guest Ticket
Cost: $45.00
This is for guest tickets only – all conference attendees should respond under Conference Attendee Banquet.
Conference Attendee Banquet
Cost: $0.00
THERE ARE NO LONGER TICKETS TO THE BANQUET AVAILABLE – If you are registering after the registration cut off of May 28, 2017 we may not be able to guarantee a spot at the banquet
Conference Attendee Welcome Social
Cost: $0.00
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Notification of conference registration cancellation must be received by phone, mail, or fax by May 4, 2017 in order to receive a refund of a paid registration fee, less an administration fee of $100 CAD.
After May 4, 2017 cancellations will be subject to a processing fee of 50% of the total cost.
Registrations may be transferred without an administration fee upon notification by May 20, 2017.
Memberships will not be refunded.
Conference Venue
The 2017 CEEA conference will be hosted by the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario!
For all travel and venue information visit: CEEA2017 utoronto travelandvenue
Conference location
Bahen Centre for Information Technology
St. George Campus
40 St. George Street
Toronto, ON M5S 2E4
WiFi Access
For up to the minute conference information visit the local conference site here
Conference attendees can access Wifi in two ways.
- Via Eduroam: if you have an eduroam account from your institution, connect to the SSID eduroam using your credentials.
- Via the UofT Network: Alternatively, choose the SSID: UofT, using the following credentials (you may need to accept a certificate):
Username: ceea17
password: ceea2017uoft
This username and password will only for work during the conference.
Parking On-Site
For up to the minute conference information visit the local conference site here
For those driving to the conference, the most convenient parking location is the underground lot for the Bahen Centre for Information Technology. The entrance to this lot is at 213 Huron St. Rates are $4 / 30 mins, with a daily maximum of $20 a day M-F, $10 S-Su. The pay and display machines take coins and credit.
Alternative lots can be found on UofT’s Transportation Services Map
Where to Stay
A map outlining the locations of our housing options is available on our CEEA2017 Travel Page:
New College Residences
40 Willcocks Street
Toronto ON, M5S 1C6
(416) 946-0529
0.4km from Bahen Centre, University of Toronto
A limited number of rooms are currently on hold for participants at the New College Residence in 45 Willcocks Residence – a great dormitory residence at the University of Toronto on the St. George campus in downtown Toronto.
Special Rate: $43/night for single rooms. Included is linen and pillow, a small towel, in room phone, wired and WIFI access (Bring your own Ethernet chord for wired internet access). Common rooms and washrooms are down the hall from the rooms.
- From the New College Residences webpage, click on Book A Room.
- Fill out the 2017 Summer Residence Reservation Form for Short Term Stays (between 1 to 28 nights) and e-mail or fax it.
- Be sure to enter Special Rate Code “CEEA2017” on your Reservation Form.
- Book as soon as possible to guarantee availability.
Chestnut Residences
89 Chestnut Street
Toronto, ON , M5G 1R1
(416)-977-0707 (ext 0)
1.6kms from Bahen Centre, University of Toronto
10 rooms have been reserved for the Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference at a rate of $109 plus HST (which includes full buffet breakfast).
Reservations can be made by emailing [email protected] or calling 416-977-0707 Ext. 0. Reference to the conference must be made to receive this rate. A credit card number will be required to hold the booking. Rooms will be held until April 4, 2017 after that bookings will be based on space availability.
Chelsea Hotel:
33 Gerrard St West
Toronto, ON, M5G1Z4
2 kms from Bahen Centre, University of Toronto.
A number of rooms have been reserved at the Toronto Chelsea Hotel at a rate of $179 per night. Attendees can book online using this link; or by calling the hotel at 1-800-CHELSEA and quoting the code “CEE060317.”
For opportunities to participate in the CEEA 2017 visit: ceea2017 utoronto how-to-participate
Important Information
Important Dates
- CEEA 2017 – June 4-7, 2017 in Toronto Ontario
- Expression of interest in (a) submitting a CJSMTE paper or (b) symposium participation: November 30, 2016 extended to January 20, 2017
- Extended abstracts for all types of presentations, workshop proposals due: January 6, 2017 extended to January 20, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: February 17, 2017 February 28, 2017 (new date reflects paper extension)
- Registration opens: April 1, 2017
- Final papers submitted: April 17, 2017 extended to May 8, 2017
Paper Submission
All papers are due on May 8th, and should follow the full paper template provided with your abstract acceptance on March 18th, and accessible here: CEEA_AuthorGuide_v2017
Final papers should be submitted via EasyChair by accessing your submission and selecting “Update file” from the top right menu. Having uploaded your final paper, you will also need to agree to CEEA’s Right to Publish. Access the Right to Publish by selecting “Update information” (again, through your original submission) and scrolling down to the Right to Publish field. You must confirm that you have read this statement to be included in the conference proceedings.
Poster Requirements
Posters will be mounted individually on boards that measure 3×6; the ideal size for a poster is 3×5. We will supply velcro tape to mount the posters, and you can set up your posters over lunch on Tuesday for the afternoon Wine + Poster session.
Call For Papers
Printable PDF
CEEA 2017
The 2017 Canadian Engineering Education Association’s Annual Conference will be held at the University of Toronto, in Toronto, Ontario, from June 4th-7th, 2017, with the theme of Innovation and Diversity in Engineering Education. Innovation in Engineering Education can take on multiple forms, including multidisciplinary perspectives, new technologies, and new ways to form, deliver, and assess experiences to help meet desired learning outcomes. We pair innovation with diversity as Engineering Education seeks new techniques to engage and educate an increasingly diverse population of engineering students, taking into account differences in gender, ethnicity, language, educational experiences, sexual orientation, and learning styles.
Call for Papers: We invite papers written in English or French on all areas of engineering education. Attendees will have an opportunity to showcase, learn about, and discuss engineering education through a variety of session types. Participants will be asked to identify their proposal with a stream and preferred presentation modes.
The two streams will be:
- Research (reports on investigations into teaching, learning, assessment, and accreditation in engineering education)
- Practice (accounts of teaching, learning, assessment, and accreditation techniques in action)
Sessions will be 80-90 minutes in length, with three different formats:
- Technical Sessions: 4 related talks (12m max. w/ 6m Q&A)
- Lightning Talk Sessions: 6 brief presentations, with a focus on either an engineering education challenge OR methods OR results, and is suited to studies in progress or seeking feedback on educational practices, with an emphasis on feedback/discussion (6m max. w/ 6 m Q&A)
- Poster Sessions: 5 posters per room, in structured, themed sessions, designed to facilitate dialogue between poster presenters and audience members (10m unstructured time to explore room, 5x10m individual poster conversations)
Presenters will be sorted into technical, lightning talk, and poster session formats based on ranked preference, availability, and session themes.
Authors are invited to submit a one-page extended abstract (approx. 500 words) via EasyChair by January 20th, 2017, alongside a declaration of (A) appropriate stream and (B) ranking of preferred presentation modes. Successful authors will then be invited to submit full papers of 2-8 pages.
Other Opportunities
In addition to the regular papers described above, there are three other special opportunities.
A. Workshops: Proposals for active workshops, addressing relevant practices, issues or technologies related to classroom practice or Engineering Education Research, are also invited. While the majority of workshops will take place on Sunday, June 4th, 2017, some may be spread throughout the conference. Please consider proposing a workshop, particularly if you have experience/expertise in the following:
- Engineering Education Methods
- Engineering Education Research (EER) Methods
- Engineering Design and Communication
- Engineering Leadership/Innovation Education
- Managing CEAB Graduate Attributes
- Supporting Diversity in Engineering/STEM
To propose a workshop, please complete this online form by January 20th, 2017.
B. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education: A special issue of the Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (CJMTE) is planned in partnership with Canadian Society for Studies in Education/Science Education Research Group, with a theme of “Innovation and Diversity in Engineering Education.” Papers from the research stream, with particularly strong relevance to the conference theme, a strong theoretical foundation, and a rigorous research approach will be considered. Authors interested in submitting a manuscript should contact CEEA 2017 organizers for more information by January 20, 2017.
C. Special Symposia: This year’s conference will include two special symposia, consisting of one or more sessions dedicated to specific topics relevant to the conference theme.
- Innovation and Engineering Leadership, (more info click here) Marnie Jamieson
- Supporting Diverse Participation in STEM, (more info click here) Chirag Variawa
Please contact the symposium organizer prior to the abstract submission deadline (January 20, 2017) if you have a presentation or workshop that could be included in one of these symposia.
Important Dates
- Expression of interest in (a) submitting a CJSMTE paper or (b) symposium participation: January 6, 2017 extended to January 20, 2017
- Extended abstracts for all types of presentations, workshop proposals due: January 6, 2017 extended to January 20, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: February 17, 2017 February 28, 2017 (new date reflects paper extension)
- Registration opens: April 1, 2017
- Final papers submitted: April 17, 2017
If you have any questions about the session formats, submissions, or the program, or have creative ideas about an alternative session format, please send them to [email protected]
June 4, 2017
00:05 - 00:10
NEW: IETER Workshops - SATURDAY, JUNE 3 only and Registration is not included with conference - SEE DETAILS
See More
08:00 - 09:00
Workshop Registration ONLY
09:00 - 10:30
09:00 - 10:30
Workshop A.2 - Engineering Education Assessment (CEAB GA): Incorporating CEAB Graduate Attributes Into a Mandatory Course "Leadership in Risk Management,”
See More
09:00 - 10:30
Workshop A.3 - Engineering Leadership and Innovation: Sharing Best Practices on Engineering Leadership: a NICKEL (National Initiative on Capacity Building and Knowledge Creation) Workshop
See More
09:00 - 10:30
Workshop A.4 - Diversity in Engineering Education: Engineering Positive Space: Building a Faculty, Staff and Student Positive Space Network
See More
10:30 - 10:45
Break for Workshop Attendees ONLY
10:45 - 12:15
Workshop B.1 - Engineering Education Methods: Your Engineering Classroom Goes Flipped! How to get Started
See More
10:45 - 12:15
10:45 - 12:15
Workshop B.3 - Engineering Leadership and Innovation: A Lego Challenge to Develop Engineering Leadership Skills
See More
10:45 - 12:15
Workshop B.4 - Diversity in Engineering Education: Enhancing Engineering Education through Collaboration Across Disciplines to Create Health and Assistive Technologies
See More
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch for Workshop Attendees ONLY
13:00 - 14:30
CANCELLED Workshop C.3 - Engineering Leadership and Innovation: Sustainable Game - Teaching Trade and Sustainable Development
See More
13:00 - 14:30
13:00 - 14:30
13:00 - 14:30
Workshop C.4 - Diversity in Engineering Education: Building a Community of Reflective and Responsive Researchers
See More
14:30 - 14:45
Break for Workshop Attendees ONLY
14:45 - 16:15
Workshop D.1 - Engineering Education Methods: Engineering Arts Opportunities – Approaches to Integrating the Arts into the Engineering Curriculum
See More
14:45 - 16:15
Workshop D.2 - Engineering Education Assessment (CEAB GA): Addressing the Pedagogical Challenges of Lifelong Learning
See More
14:45 - 16:15
Workshop D.3 - Engineering Leadership and Innovation: Coaching: Exploring Student Leadership Development in Teams and Organizations
See More
14:45 - 16:15
16:30 - 18:00
16:30 - 18:00
16:30 - 18:00
Workshop Session E.3 - CEEA STUDENT MEMBER ONLY: Engineering Leadership and Innovation: Engineering Education Student Meet and Greet
See More
16:30 - 18:00
Workshop E.4 - Diversity in Engineering Education: Building and Tracking Interpersonal and Teamwork Skills in Engineering Students
See More
18:00 - 19:30
June 5, 2017
08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:15
14:15 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:45
15:45 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:15
Session D
18:00 - 21:00
June 6, 2017
08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:45
Session F
13:45 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15
Session G
15:15 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:00
Session H: Poster & Reception
Prof. Debbie Chachra
Professor of Engineering
Olin College of Engineering
Rethinking Engineering Education
June 5, 2017 - 09:30 - 10:30
Debbie Chachra is a Professor of Engineering at Olin College of Engineering, an undergraduate institution which graduated its first class in 2006 and where she was one of the early faculty. Her research interests include biological materials, design, infrastructure, and engineering education and the engineering student experience, with a focus on self-efficacy, persistence and migration, and gender. Prior to joining Olin College, she was a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship. She received her undergraduate engineering degree, her master’s degree, and her doctorate from the University of Toronto. In 2010, she received an NSF CAREER Award in support of her research on engineering education.
Valerie Davidson
University Professor Emerita
University of Guelph
Creating an Inclusive Engineering Landscape to Ensure Everyone Thrives
June 6, 2017 - 09:00 - 10:00
Valerie Davidson is a University Professor Emerita, University of Guelph. She has an inter-disciplinary background that combines engineering and food science. Her professional career includes experience in consulting, food manufacturing and university teaching and research.
A passionate advocate for creating a more inclusive environment for women in STEM fields, Valerie served as the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for Ontario from 2003 to 2011. Under her leadership the Ontario Network of Women in Engineering (ONWiE) was launched connecting all of the schools and faculties of engineering in Ontario. In 2016 Valerie received the Citizenship Medal, an Ontario Professional Engineers Award to recognize her contributions to the engineering community.
Mary Wells
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
Creating an Inclusive Engineering Landscape to Ensure Everyone Thrives
June 6, 2017 - 09:00 - 10:00
Professor Mary Wells is the inaugural Associate Dean Outreach for the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Engineering and the Chair of the Ontario Network for Women in Engineering (ONWiE). Dr Wells has led initiatives to uncover the root causes of the continued lack of participation of women in engineering as well as programs to address these barriers. These activities have exposed young women in elementary and secondary schools to the engineering profession and supported current engineering students along with women working in the profession. Reaching over 3,000 young women across Ontario annually, these initiatives have boosted female application and entry rates to Ontario engineering programs by over 250%. The province of Ontario has been so successful at attracting women into their engineering programs that many of these outreach programs are now spreading across Canada.
All Industry/Commercial and Academic Sponsors are welcome!
If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities for the CEEA 2017 Conference in Toronto, ON online registration will open after January 15, 2017.
For Inquires on sponsoring the CEEA2017 in Toronto, ON please contact the conference organizing committee directly by email at [email protected]
We are currently seeking sponsors for this year’s conference.
- Title Sponsor
- Platinum Level
- Gold Level
- Silver Level
- Bronze Level
For all sponsorships: Please register the main person associated with your Sponsorship through the online form.
The following sponsorship opportunity is only being extended to Engineering Departments, Institutions, and Faculties.
In addition to the above registration, as an Academic Sponsor sponsoring at the Gold level or above, you will receive a credit toward registration costs, plus the required annual membership dues, valued up to 60% of your sponsorship. This credit supports new attendees from your organization participating in either the conference or pre-conference institute. These attendees must be new to CEEA, and not past members or previous conference attendees, nor contributing as a presenter or author at CEEA 2017. Please send an email with any additional registrants, or membership requests to the following: [email protected]
Your support of CEEA 2017 will increase your department or faculty’s profile as a leader in engineering education with educators from across Canada and beyond.
For further information please contact the CEEA 2017 Administrative Coordinator Pradheepa Baskaran at: [email protected] or 416-978-5932
$10,000 Title Sponsor
- Logo on website and on all marketing materials
- Logo on onsite signage outside of session rooms
- Promotional material insert for Delegate Package
- Promotional table in high traffic area during the course of the conference
- Opportunity to briefly address full conference at one of the plenary sessions
- Recognition in any formal press releases
- Logo on the front page of the conference program as well as on the sponsor page
- Access to the delegate list after the conference
- Two free full conference registrations
$5,000 Platinum Sponsor
- Logo on website and on all marketing materials
- Logo on onsite signage outside of session rooms
- Placement of promotional material on registration desk
- Promotional table in high traffic area during the course of the conference
- Opportunity to briefly address full conference at one of the plenary sessions
- Recognition in any formal press releases
- Access to the delegate list after the conference
- One free full conference registration
Gold Level $2,500
- Logo on website and on all marketing materials
- Logo on onsite signage outside of session rooms
- Recognition in any formal press releases
- Placement of promotional material on registration desk
- Promotional table in high traffic area during the course of the conference
- Access to the delegate list after the conference
- One free full conference registration
Silver Level $1,000
- Logo on website and on all marketing materials
- Logo on onsite signage outside of session room
- Placement of promotional material on registration desk
- Access to the delegate list after the conference
Current Exhibitors
If you are interested in exhibitor opportunities for the CEEA 2017 Conference in Toronto, ON online registration will open after January 15, 2017.
For any questions regarding exhibiting at the CEEA 2017 please contact the conference organizers by email: [email protected]
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of registration/booth should be sent in writing, by email or fax. Cancellations will be accepted up until May 13, 2017, and registration fees refunded less a $100.00 administration fee. Any cancellations received after May 13, 2016, will not be entitled to a refund and the exhibitor agrees that CEEA has the right to resell the space at no benefit to the exhibitor who has cancelled. Any space not paid for in full by May 13, 2017, will be released back to the available pool.
It is understood that this agreement and the rental charge are for the rental of the exhibit space. The exhibitor agrees that the University of Toronto and it’s Conference Services and its employees, contractors and sub-contractors accept no responsibility for damage, theft or any loss to displays, materials or personal property. The exhibitor, signed below, agrees to pay the rental fee.
Setup and Logistics
Please arrange all set up through the conference organizers by email: [email protected]
- For questions while setting up your booth or during the event, please contact the staff at the CEEA Registration Desk.
- Exhibitors MUST set-up on Sunday, June 4, 2017, between 12 noon and 5:00 PM OR Monday, June 5, 2017, by 8:00 AM.
- Exhibitors must remove their booths and materials from the facility by 4:30 PM Wednesday, June 7, 2017.
- We recommend that you remove computers and other valuables from your booth if you leave the exhibit area. For your own protection, we recommend you insure any items of value. We will not be responsible for lost or stolen articles.
- Exhibitor booths space to be confirmed. Please indicate if you require any additional space, tables, chairs. *Please note: No extension cords are provided.
With the purchase of a booth space, each exhibitor receives one (1) complimentary full conference pass. ALL other individuals from your organization who wish to attend the conference must register as conference attendees.
Cost: $1250.00
Additional Meal Plans
We provide a meal plan option for exhibitors at the conference. A meal plan is included the complimentary attendee registration, however if you require additional meal plans, we charge a nominal fee. Meal plans include Meal plans include lunch and coffee breaks only. Guest tickets will need to be purchased for all evening events.
Single Day: $85.00
Conference: $300.00
CEEA 2017 Organizing Committee
Conference Co-Chairs:
- Professor Greg Evans (Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry)
- Professor Lisa Romkey (Engineering Science)
Technical Co-Chairs:
- Professor Alan Chong (Engineering Communication Program)
- Professor Jason Foster (Engineering Science)
Proceedings and Comminucations Co-Chairs:
- Professor Lydia Wilkinson (Engineering Communication Program)
- Cris Sewerin (Acting Head, Engineering & Computer Science Library)
- Professor Deb Tihanyi (Engineering Communication Program)
Logistics Co-Chairs:
- Professor Jason Bazylak (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
- Jeff Harris (Postdoctoral Fellow, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
- Dawn Britton (Engineering Outreach)
Student Co-Chairs:
- Patricia Sheridan (Student, Engineering Education
- Jillian Seniuk Cicek (Student, Engineering Education) (Student Director, Canadian Engineering Education Association)
Workshop Chair:
- Professor Peter Weiss (Engineering Communication Program)
Workshop Co-Chair:
Special Saturday Workshops:
- Professor Chirag Variawa (Engineering Outreach)
Video Competition Co-Chairs:
- Dawn Britton (Engineering Outreach)
- Jeffrey Castrucci (Chemical Engineering)
Sponsorship and Industry Chair:
- Allison Van Beek (Instructional Technology Specialist)
- Professor Kamran Behdinan (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, NSERC Chair in Multidisciplinary Engineering Design)
CEEA Liaison:
- Professor Gordon Stubley, University of Waterloo
Internal Liaison:
- Professor Tom Coyle, Vice Dean Undergraduate (Materials Science & Engineering)
Honorary Chair:
- Professor Susan McCahan, Vice Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)