The CEEA-ACÉG Board is holding a special general meeting (SGM) of members December 19, 2022, 13:00-13:30 EST on Zoom. This is a critical meeting required to formally approve amendments to our by-laws, as discussed at the annual general meeting in June. Your attendance is very important; in order to reach quorum and vote on the amendments, we require at least 40% of voting members present at the meeting. If we cannot reach quorum, we will need to call another SGM and the delay will have other impacts, such as delaying our elections for 2023.
The proposed by-law changes are available for your review through the “Papers” tab on this page. In addition, there will be informal opportunities to discuss the by-law amendments, ask questions, and provide your feedback to members of the Board as described on the “Registration” page.
As per our current By-laws, voting by proxy will be provided for the SGM. A proxy voting form and other details will be added to the “Registration” page as soon as available.
Voting will be done through the www.ceea.ca membership portal using a URL emailed to members during the meeting. (Make sure your membership is up to date and you are set to receive email from CEEA-ACÉG!)
The Special General Meeting and the informal information and discussion sessions (Town Halls) will be held using Zoom. Details for attending all events will be added below:
- Town Hall 1:
- (completed) Thursday, December 8, 12:00-13:00 EST
- Town Hall 2:
- Wednesday, December 14, 16:00-17:00 EST
- Informal and unofficial Q&A:
- For one hour prior to the SGM on Monday, December 19 (use the same Zoom link received for the SGM)
- Special General Meeting:
- Monday, December 19, 13:00-13:30 EST
- Zoom registration link: https://ubc.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5YrdemgqDkvGNbrGcTM9Ga2ftNERnGjul_3
Proxy Voting
Proxy voting will be available for those unable to attend the meeting online in person. Proxy votes do count towards our quorum requirements. If you wish to use a voting proxy:
- Download the proxy voting form
- Follow the instructions on the form, including identifying the CEEA-ACÉG member who will cast your vote for you, and ensuring your form is signed and dated
- Ensure your completed form is received by Robert Fleisig (our Secretary/Treasurer) during or very shortly after our Special General Meeting
There are two documents for member review prior to the SGM:
- An Overview of the By-law Revisions (v3.1, November 30, 2022)
- A Side-by-side Comparison for the Old and New By-Laws (“CEEA-ACÉG Proposed By-law Revisions” v3.1b, November 30, 2022)