EER Funding Opportunity: NSERC Discovery Horizons Call for Proposals Brainstorming

online - link will be distributed in registration confirmation email
May 25, 2021 @ 12 Noon - 1pm CDT



NSERC recently announced the new Discovery Horizons grant, which has the potential to fund engineering education research. Since this is a pilot program, there is a good opportunity for our community to demonstrate the need and demand for funding Engineering Education Research in Canada. This brainstorming session is meant to stimulate increased interest across our community for this opportunity, help researchers generate and further their ideas, and encourage more inter-institutional collaboration.  Please register to let us know you are interested in attending.  If you are considering submitting a proposal, we also ask that you also use this shared document to indicate the research theme or direction, as well as potential collaboration areas.  We may also use this to identify some themes for break-out group discussions at this session. The session will be facilitated by Greg Evans and others from our CEEA-ACEG and E-CORE/CIEL community. Please let Greg ([email protected]) know if you are interested in helping to organize this session.

Register at this link:


Register at this link:


For all conference related questions - please contact the organizing committee.