Inclusive course design to nurture leadership and management competencies

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March 18, 2021 12:00 - 1:30 CST



Traditionally math courses focus on technical competence for engineering students. We believe leadership and management skills are essential for future engineers and the broader student body, so we investigated a set of practices that stem from principles of inclusive course design, and discovered that these elements not only help making the course more accessible, they also trained our students to master skills that are critical for them to develop leadership and management competencies such as community building, problem solving with others, listening, self-regulation and empathy.


I will share inclusive course design ideas that focus on community building, and nurturing students’ leadership and management competencies.

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Xinli Wang

Xinli Wang is an instructor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Manitoba. She started her math teaching career in Singapore, 2012. She taught at a few colleges in Ontario, while teaching part-time at University of Toronto for 4 years before moving to Winnipeg. Xinli is passionate about Open Education Resources, Open Education practices and Open Pedagogy. Her education research interests include active learning, inquiry-based learning and learning community. She’s an advocate of #ungrading and is currently doing mastery-based grading for her multivariable calculus course.


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