OVERVIEW: How would you teach a completely virtual engineering design course to optimize the student experience and learning? That is exactly the question we will try to answer as we design virtual design courses from scratch. We will try to remove all our preconceptions of what a design course should be, as we work within the new virtual constraints offered to us by the ongoing pandemic.
The workshop will switch between large group discussions and structured small group ideation sessions, in order to come up with new and innovative ideas. We invite you to clear your mind of all preconceived ideas of what in person design courses should look like and focus on the question: “What unique opportunities do virtual courses provide, which would otherwise not be possible with the traditional approach?”
We invite all engineering design course educators who will be teaching virtually in the fall or in the winter to join us for a practical ideation session, where together, we can develop interesting and unique ideas that will captivate our students and create a positive teaching environment that will help students achieve the learning objectives!
Please note: this session is not intended to be a comprehensive breakdown of remote design courses, but instead provide a starting point for instructors when considering remote options for their courses. E-CORE hopes to offer more design-related webinars in the near future based on demand and facilitator availability. We invite you to bring an open mind, as we try and learn as a community.
COST: Free
MORE DETAILS: This interactive session will switch between large group and small breakout sessions. The agenda will evolve throughout the session.
REGISTRATION: https://ceea.wildapricot.org/event-3902508/Registration