Nominations and Awards

CEEA-ACÉG pledges to enhance diversity and inclusiveness within the association by continuing to create a welcoming, caring community anchored in engineering education.  CEEA-ACÉG recognizes that excellence in engineering education is a result of collaborative efforts and that a community with differing and intersecting experiences, education, backgrounds, and interests has better collaborations.

CEEA-ACÉG is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. CEEA-ACÉG does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin in its administration and association activities.


Join our Board of Directors

Our call for elections takes place in January with a deadline of March 1. 

Nominees are required to hold a current CEEA-ACÉG membership. If you are interested, or want to nominate someone, please contact [email protected].  Positions range from one to three years and open positions are announced in January of each year with a closing date of March 1st.

We have several positions for 2025/2026 year:

  • Three (3) Directors (3-year term)
  • One (1) Student Director (1-year term)

The CEEA-ACÉG Board consists of eleven directors, one of whom is the Student Director. All Directors must be members of CEEA-ACÉG; the Student Director must be a Student Member and the other Directors must not be Student Members (i.e., they can be Professional, Honourary, or Affiliate members).  Of the ten non-student Directors, at least one must come from each geographic region (Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, and West). The following Officer roles are filled from the Directors on the Board each year for one-year terms (see our by-laws for details):

  • President (normally the Vice President from the previous year)
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Further information on the nomination openings, roles on the Board, and benefits of serving can be found here: nomination details .

March 1


Resources on How to Apply for Awards coming soon.

(active members will have access)

Fellowship of the CEEA-ACÉG

Nomination Deadline: April 15

The designation of Fellow honours individuals who have demonstrated noteworthy service to engineering education, engineering leadership, or engineering design education through their work with CEEA-ACÉG.

Why nominate someone to be a Fellow of CEEA-ACÉG?
These Fellowships provide national recognition from your peers for your service and contribution to engineering education, engineering leadership, or engineering design education in Canada.

Who can be nominated to the Fellowship of CEEA-ACÉG?
Individuals can be nominated based on the following criteria:

The nominee is a current CEEA-ACÉG member and has been a member for a minimum of 7 years (within the past 10 years) and one or more of:
a. Served as President-Elect, Vice-President, President, and Past-President, and/or
b. Served as a Board member for one term (2 years), and/or
c. Served as an active SIG chair for at least 2 years, and/or
d. Participated in at least five CEEA-ACÉG Conferences.

*CEEA-ACÉG reserves the right to cancel, withdraw or amend a fellowship.

Can I nominate myself?
In 2024 and beyond, nominations must come from two CEEA-ACÉG Fellows, with at least one from a different institution than that of the nominee.
While self-nominations are not accepted, it is reasonable for the nominator to complete the nomination form in consultation with the nominee so that the requested information is correct and accurate.

When are nominations accepted?
The call for nominations for Fellow of CEEA-ACÉG will be during the Awards period between January to April 15 and awarded at the CEEA-ACÉG Annual Conference Banquet.

Nominations Process
The Nomination form can be submitted online by current Fellows here.

If desired, the PDF button provides a worksheet to review beforehand.

CEEA-ACÉG Engineering Education Student Award

Nomination Deadline: April 15

Awarded annually to a student who contributes to the field in a way that demonstrates their commitment to innovation, change and improvement in engineering education, and is making significant contributions to engineering education knowledge through innovative research.

Ron Britton Engineering Education Vanguard Award

Nomination Deadline: April 15

Awarded annually to a person who, early in their career, has committed to the development of engineering education in Canada through practice and/or research. This person is contributing to the field in a way that demonstrates her/his commitment to innovation, change, and improvement in engineering education; is making significant differences in engineering education practices through innovation in the engineering classroom and/or through research; and has demonstrated support of the Canadian Engineering Education Association through membership and conference participation.

CEEA-ACÉG Lifetime Service Award

Nomination Deadline: April 15

This award recognizes those individuals who have, over the span of at least 15 years, contributed significantly to the development of engineering education in Canada, and have been significantly committed to CEEA-ACÉG.

Past Award Winners

CEEA-ACÉG Engineering Education Student Award

Awarded annually to a student who contributes to the field in a way that demonstrates her/his commitment to innovation, change and improvement in engineering education, and is making significant contributions to engineering education knowledge through innovative research.  

Winners of the Engineering Education Student Award

  • 2024 Renato Bezerra Rodrigues
  • 2023 Dimpho Radebe
  • 2022 Rubaina Khan
  • 2021 Robyn Mae Paul
  • 2020 Minha Ha
  • 2019 Chris Rennick
  • 2018 Jillian Seniuk-Cicek
CEEA-ACÉG Ron Britton Engineering Education Vanguard Award

Awarded annually to a person who, early in their career, has committed to the development of engineering education in Canada through practice and/or research.

Winners of the Ron Britton Engineering Education Vanguard Award

  • 2024 Jennifer Howcroft
  • 2023 Jillian Seniuk Cicek
  • 2022 Jeffery Harris
  • 2021 Chirag Variawa
  • 2020 Jonathan Verrett
  • 2019 Gabriel Potvin
  • 2018 Mary Robinson
CEEA-ACÉG Lifetime Service Award

This award recognizes those individuals who have, over the span of at least 15 years, contributed significantly to the development of engineering education in Canada, and have been significantly committed to CEEA-ACÉG. This award will only be granted when the Nominations and Awards Committee (NAC) and the CEEA-ACÉG Board believe that a worthy candidate has been nominated (i.e., the award may not be granted every year).  

Winners of the Lifetime Service Award

  • 2024 Andrew Fisher
  • 2023 David Strong
  • 2022 Gordon Stubley
  • 2021 Sylvie Doré
  • 2021 Michel Perrier
  • 2020 Douglas Ruth
  • 2017 Ron Britton


The designation of Fellow honours individuals who have demonstrated noteworthy service to engineering education, engineering leadership, or engineering design education through their work with CEEA-ACÉG.

Jason Bazylak – University of Toronto

Robert Brennan – University of Calgary

Ron Britton – University of Manitoba

Kush Bubbar – University of New Brunswick

Yang Cao – University of British Columbia

Alan Chong – University of Toronto

Alex Czekanski – York University

Agnes d’Entremont – University of British Columbia

John Donald – University of Guelph

Sylvie Dore – École de technologie supérieure

Greg Evans – University of Toronto

Andrew Fisher – Memorial University

Robert Fleisig – McMaster University

Jason Foster – University of Toronto

Brian Frank – Queen’s University

Jeffery Harris – York University

Amy Hsiao – University of Prince Edward Island

Carol Hulls – University of Waterloo

Nadine Ibrahim – University of Waterloo

Marnie Jamieson – University of Alberta

Clifton Johnston – Dalhousie University

Sean Maw – University of Saskatchewan

Susan McCahan – University of Toronto

Dorothy Missingham – University of Adelaide

Peter Ostafichuk – University of British Columbia

Robyn Paul – University of Calgary

Michel Perrier- Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal

Gabriel Potvin – University of British Columbia

Chris Rennick – University of Waterloo

Mary Robinson – University of Waterloo

Lisa Romkey – University of Toronto

Filippo Salustri – Toronto Metropolitan University

Jillian Seniuk-Cicek – University of Manitoba

David Strong – Queen’s University

Gordon Stubley – University of Waterloo

Deborah Tihanyi – University of Toronto

Julie Vale – University of Guelph

Jonathan Verrett – University of British Columbia

Lydia Wilkinson – University of Toronto

Fellows in Memoriam

Doug Ruth – University of Manitoba

Nominate a CEEA-ACÉG Fellow here.