Special Interest Groups

“Enhance the competence and relevance of graduates from Canadian Engineering schools through continuous improvement in engineering education and design education.”


Join a SIG at anytime by contacting each chair or remember to do it once a year when renewing your CEEA-ACEG membership. See below for a listing of current SIGs.


Starting a SIG involves the submission of an initial membership list containing at least 5 active CEEA-ACEG members all expressing an interest to form a specific SIG, with at least 1 person offering to Chair the SIG.

Each SIG will be responsible for developing a mandate that will guide the formation and activities of the SIG. During the pilot year the development of a clear mandate and specific goals should be a priority for the SIG, with the intent to submit them to the Membership committee. If necessary, the Membership Committee will work with SIGs to ensure that each mandate fits the CEEA-ACEG mission. Mandates will then be sent to the CEEA-ACEG Office and will be uploaded on the CEEA-ACEG website until such time as the SIG indicates that its mission has changed.

All members of SIGs must be current CEEA-ACEG members.


To join a SIG please follow these instructions.

To start a new one, please
contact the CEEA-ACEG Administration Office.

Current SIGs

Design Education / Design Communication

Chair: Grant McSorley, Jason Foster

To foster the creation of a community of practice surrounding engineering design education in Canada. This will provide a setting for the discussion, evaluation and development of strategies, tools and methods for teaching engineering design and supporting students in learning engineering through design.

Developing Engineering Education Research Capacity

Chair: Cindy Rottmann, Kimia Moozeh

To enhance the capacity for engineering education research in Canada.

Education Developers Community of Practice

Chair: Deena Salem

Engineering Competition Teams

Chair: Patrick Dumond

Foster discussion related to the experiential learning opportunities provided by engineering design competitions and the best ways in which these competitions can be set up and used within and outside the engineering curriculum to maximize their educational potential.

Engineering Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation

Chair: Alon Eisenstein and Kush Bubbar

The mandate of the Entrepreneurship SIG is to create a Community of Practice (CoP) around engineering entrepreneurship education in Canada.

Engineer of 2050

Chair: Nadine Ibrahim

To facilitate discussion on the identity and attributes of the Engineer of 2050, who will both shape and respond to future global trends. This understanding will be facilitated through input from engineering educators, administrators, students and professional organizations on the future of technological development and the engineering profession.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity

Chair: D’Andre Wilson-Ihejirika, Najme Kishani Farahani

Fostering conversations about what is happening in institutions across Canada, to discuss diversity issues unique to Canada in relation to our students and staff, and make meaning of their experience in Engineering

First Year Engineering

Chair: Carol Hulls, Farrah Fayyaz

First Year Engineering SIG aims to create a space for the professionals interested in First Year Engineering. The SIG aims to bring together faculty members from various engineering institutions to exchange ideas.


Chair: Ryan Huckle

GAPNet stands for Graduate Attributes Professionals Network. The group is made up of professionals tasked with supervising, managing, coordinating, guiding and/or directing the Graduate Attribute and Continuous Improvement Process at Accredited Engineering Programs across Canada. They collaborate by offering support to one another with examples, advice and assistance regarding all things related to Accreditation and Continuous Improvement.

Humanities and Engineering

Chair: Lydia Wilkinson

A network of educators, academics and artists working within or studying the intersection between humanities and engineering; engineerswho engage in areas beyond engineering, and non-engineers who bring their perspectives to an engineering environment.

Mathematics (New)

Chair: Shai Cohen

The Math SIG aims to be a community of practice for teachers of mathematics for engineers. We want to be able to examine the dichotomy of mathematics courses. On the one hand, there is a mathematical need for rigor that calls for teaching by a mathematician. On the other, there is a need to be able to model mathematically and connect the material with individual engineering disciplines, which is best taught by an engineer.

Open Education Resources

Chair: Claire Yan

To support the development, use, and dissemination of open educational resources (OER) for engineering, and provide central place for CEEA-ACEG members to find collaborators for OER projects among other Canadian engineering educators.

Student Lab

Chair: Liz DaMaren and Liv Alsop

This SIG is a place for undergraduate and graduate students interested in improving engineering education. Our main purpose is to have a community where we can support, help, and collaborate with each other

SoTL (New)

Chair: Janice Miller-Young, Jeff Paul

To help engineering instructors conduct systematic research on teaching and learning in their own classrooms.

Sustainable Engineering Leadership and Management

Chair: Marnie Jamieson, John Donald

Sustainable engineering leadership and management is informed by technical, economic, environmental, safety, and societal constraints and risk management.

Teaching in Practice

Chair: Andrew Roncin, Catherine Tatarniuk

Teaching focused particularly of interest to colleges, polytechnic, and university faculty interested in improving their teaching practice and offering a platform for relationship building between CEEA members.