As a result of discussion at our SSHRC Insights collaboration session last week we have organized a presentation about applying to the grant. On Friday September 17 from 12-1 pm EDT, Dr. Sandra Kouritzin, Distinguished Professor, Education at the University of Manitoba, will present an overview of applying to the SSHRC Insights grant program. Meeting details will be sent in your registration confirmation email.
Register Here : https://ceea.wildapricot.org/event-4491392

Dr. Sandra Kouritzin
Distinguished Professor
University of Manitoba
Dr. Sandra Kouritzin is a tenured, full professor in the Faculty of Education who has devoted the past 20+ years to the education of teachers in Teaching English as a Second Language, to Qualitative Research Methodologies, and to Post-Secondary Education. A T. Falconer Emerging Researcher Rh Award winner in the social sciences, Dr. Kouritzin has over 50 peer-reviewed publications and has attracted over 2 million dollars in research funds to the University of Manitoba including several multi-year SSHRC grants. She has been principal or co-investigator on grants from SSHRC, Metropolis, HRSDC, CBIE, CIC and other national, international, and university-internal funders. She has published extensively in journals such as the Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Canadian Journal of Education, Curriculum Inquiry, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, TESOL Quarterly, Foreign Language Annals and the TESL Canada Journal. She authored Face[t]s of First Language Loss, a life history comparative analysis of individual immigrant and Indigenous language loss, and co-edited a book on research methodologies called Challenging the Orthodoxies in Standard Academic Discourses[s], as well as publishing special issues, and book and TESOL Encyclopedia chapters. Her leadership as editor for the TESL Canada Journal for over 6 years had a significant impact on the availability of quality Canadian research in second language education nationally and internationally. Her research on first language loss, immigrant mothers, and mothering across colour lines has had significant impact in areas of research that are currently gaining momentum in the field.
UM Today News, July 14, 2021
Faculty of Education