
To facilitate discussion on the identity and attributes of the Engineer of 2050, who will both shape and respond to future global trends.  This understanding will be facilitated through input from engineering educators, administrators, students and professional organizations on the future of technological development and the engineering profession. Activities include leveraging literature and resources to inform, guide and support new thought about the future of engineers and the profession, and sharing of resources to formulate ideas about the future and develop new engineering education strategies.  Findings will be disseminated to the CEEA-ACEG membership, engineering institutions, the profession and other interested stakeholders. 

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Design Education / Design Communication

Chair: Grant McSorley, Jason Foster

To foster the creation of a community of practice surrounding engineering design education in Canada. This will provide a setting for the discussion, evaluation and development of strategies, tools and methods for teaching engineering design and supporting students in learning engineering through design.

Developing Engineering Education Research Capacity

Chair: Cindy Rottmann, Kimia Moozeh

To enhance the capacity for engineering education research in Canada.

Education Developers Community of Practice

Chair: Deena Salem